In response to numerous requests, the NGCRC now takes all major credit cards, defined specifically as the "big four": Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, and American Express. Fill out the registration form, and fax it to the NGCRC: the fax number for the NGCRC is (708) 258-9546

A registration form appears below:




REGISTRATION FORM: Registering on or Before November 30, 2024

on-Line Version


Please PRINT neatly or type your full name with any title that you want to appear in your official name badge for the conference.

I.D. Badge Information:





MAIL AND CONTACT INFORMATION: Where we will mail you a Confirmation of Registration letter for the conference, and fax the same material to you:


Agency :__________________________________________________________

Street Address:____________________________________________________

City, State, Zip:____________________________________________________

Tel. #. Area Code_______ Tel #:____________________

Fax #. Area Code_______ Fax #:____________________


Email Address:____________________________________

The NGCRC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone: Towards this end we must ask that all persons registering for the conference sign and by their signature acknowledge the Official Policy of the NGCRC which is as follows - In order to provide the safest and most educational environment, the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC) works to ensure that all participants at our conference are law-abiding individuals who have gathered to collect and share information about gangs and crime, in order to reduce and possibly eliminate the problems associated with gang activity. Therefore, it is our policy that no individuals or groups will be permitted at our conference who have links to gangs or other aberrant groups and no one will be permitted to provoke or distract our participants from the most meaningful learning environment. The National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC) reserves the right to refuse attendance to any person or persons suspected of or actually displaying gang affiliations. Furthermore, we reserve the right to refuse attendance to any individual(s) determined to be disruptive or instigating a negative or inappropriate presence or who is determined to disrupt the sharing of information in the most effective learning environment. I have also read and understand the refund policy published by the NGCRC. I understand that some sessions may be restricted as described in the course listings and that just because I sign up for a certain track does not mean ipso facto I can attend any and all sessions giving credit for that track. If a course says in its description it is restricted in attendance to police then you cannot attend it unless you are police and if you did attend you will not be given credit for a session you were not eligible to attend I attest that I am at least 18 years of age as of this date. I understand this is a professional venue and that it is not an appropriate place to use toxic language that could offend other persons. I understand that no photos or videos can be taken in or around the NGCRC training rooms.

I hereby acknowledge by my signature the above policies of the NGCRC:_________________________________________________________________________________________________

I would like to attend the Christian Gang Specialist Reception ___Yes ___No (if blank, we assume you mean "NO")

I work in either law enforcement or corrections and I would like to attend the Law Enforcement, Prosecution and Corrections Networking Reception: ____Yes ____No (if blank, we assume you mean "NO")


I want to attend the Intervention/Prevention/Counseling Gang Specialist Networking Reception ____Yes ____No (if blank, we assume you mean "NO")


I want to attend the Probation Officer/Court Services Social Networking Reception. ___Yes ___No (if blank, we assume you mean "NO")


I want to attend one of the Baseball Social Networking Events (pick one only): ___Monday Aug. 4 7:10pm       ___Tuesday Aug. 5th 7:10pm


I am registering for (check appropriate box):

___Certification ___Non-Certification

I have previously completed certification training by the NGCRC. ____Yes ____No

If registering for Certification, Complete this section ONLY if you have previously been Certified by the National Gang Crime Research Center at any of the previous NGCRC International Gang Specialist Training Conference(s). I received NGCRC certification from (check one or more as may apply in your situation):

___First International ___Second International ___Third International ___Fourth International ___Fifth International ___Sixth International ___Seventh International ___Eighth International ____Ninth International ____Tenth International ___Eleventh International ___Twelfth International   ___Thirteenth International ___Fourteenth International   ___Fifteenth International ____Sixteenth International ____Seventeenth International ____Eighteenth International ____Nineteenth International ____Twentieth International ___Twentyfirst International ___Twenty second international ___Twenty Third International ___Twenty Fourth International ___Twenty Fifth International ___Twenty Sixth International (2023) ___Twenty Seventh (2024)

SPECIAL TRAINING TRACKS (If you are registering for Certification, you also need to complete this section): SELECT ONE ONLY (this is for your second certificate): I am signing up for Track Number ________ entitled ________________________________________________

(1) Gang Crime Investigation Skills Track

(2) Dealing With Gang Members in Probation/Parole Track

(3) Gang Homicide Investigation Skills Track

(4) Gangs and Drugs Track

(5) Gang Problems in K-12 Schools Track

(6) Gangs and Organized Crime

(7) Gangs and Mental Health Track

(8) Gang Interview/Interrogation Skills Track

(9) Gang Internet Investigation

(10) Management Skills for Gang Outreach, Prevention, and Intervention Services Track

(11) Gang Outreach and Intervention Skills Track

(12) Management and Supervision Skills for Gang Specialists

(13) Corrections Gang/STG Intelligence Track

(14) Domestic Counter-Terrorism Skills Track

(15) Motorcycle Gangs (restricted: for Criminal Justice Personnel only)

(16) Dealing With Gangs in Juvenile Correctional Facilities

(17) Gang and Violence Prevention Skills for School Administrators

(18) Gang Counseling Skills Track

(19) Advanced Gang Identification

(20) Gang Profile Analysis Track

(21) Gang Prosecution Track

(22) Gang Prevention Skills Track

(23) International and Transnational Gang Problems Track

(24) Hate Groups/White Racist Extremist Gangs Track

(25) Officer Safety Skills in Dealing With Gangs Track

(26) Asian Gangs and High Tech Crimes Track

(27) Gangs and the Mass Media Track

(28) Graffiti Identification and Analysis Track

(29) Faith-Based Programs for Gang Intervention Track

(30) Gang Victim, Witness, and Survivor Services Track


Your registration fee does not cover your hotel room or transportantion or parking or meals. Your registration fee covers only the training itself.

Amount to pay for Registration (see schedule below):



Paying on or before November 30, 2024: Non-Certification $400, Certification $450

Paying on or after December 1, 2024 and on or before December 31, 2024: Non-Certification $450, Certificatin $500



Paying on or after January 1, 2025 and on or before January 31, 2025: Non-Certification $500, Certification $550

Paying on or after February 1, 2025 and on or before February 28, 2025: Non-Certification $550, Certification $600

Paying on or after March 1, 2025 and on or before March 31, 2025: Non-Certification $600, Certification $650



Paying on or after April 1, 2025 and on or before April 30, 2025: Non-Certification $650, Certification $700

Paying on or after May 1, 2025 and on or before May 31, 2025: Non-Certification $700, Certification $750

Paying on or after June 1, 2025 and on or before June 30, 2025: Non-Certification $750, Certification $800



Paying on or after July 1, 2025 and on or before July 31, 2025: Non-Certification $800, Certification $850


LAST MINUTE AND ONSITE REGISTRATION: A "last minute" or Onsite Registration is any registration made on or after August 1, 2025.

Paying On-Site (If slots are available): Non-Certification $950, Certification $1000


Last minute registrations must be paid up at the time of registration. There is no guarantee that actual "on site" registration slots will be available. In 2023 and in 2024 registrations closed a couple weeks before the conference.


I am signing up for the Double Major option (where I get two certificates in the two different specialty areas, it requires me to log-in at least four hours in each track or specialty area, and I have enclosed an extra $90 for this option). ____Yes ____No

If yes regarding the Double Major, my second training track will be: (fill it in here)______________________________________________________________


Note anyone registering on-site: we reserve the right to refuse on-site registration to anyone for any reason. You will need USC, money order, traveler’s checks, bank check, cashier's check, or government agency check to pay onsite.

Note: you know you are registered for the conference if and only if you receive from the NGCRC an official “Conference Registration Confirmation” letter; we send these out PROMPTLY to all persons; so if you have not received one, you are not registered.

NOTE: Payment must be received by the NGCRC prior to the conference itself unless the NGCRC agrees to the terms of any alternative arrangement (in writing).

Group Discount Code:_____________

PAYMENT METHOD: We prefer checks or money orders for payment. No personal checks will be accepted for on-site payment of conference registration fees. We do accept credit card payments.

_____Payment enclosed in check or money order made payable to "National Gang Crime Research Center"

_____VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover (Circle one).

Card number:________________________________________________________________________________

Expiration date: Month___________________________ Year:_______________________ CVC# On card:______

Name on card: (printed):___________________________________________________________________

Telephone of card holder in case we need to call:_________________________________________________

Your Signature:________________________________ Amount you authorize to charge (total):__$______________

Billing Address for the card holder(Printed): (street address)__________________________________________________________
Zip Code for the Billing Address:__________________________________


Call (708) 258-9111 if you need the NGCRC F.E.I.N. (tax number) or our Merchant Number for credit card payments. Also, call (708) 258-9111 if you want to provide credit card info by verbal rather than written transmission.

Registration forms can be faxed to the NGCRC, the Fax Number is (708) 258-9546.

Registration forms can be emailed to the NGCRC, the email address is:

(you can always elect to "call in" the credit card number if you are paying by credit card).


Make checks or money orders payable to "National Gang Crime Research Center". Make sure to mail a copy of your registration with the payment so that proper credit can be made to your registration. Send registration forms and payment to: The 2025 Conference Processing Center, National Gang Crime Research Center, PO Box 990, Peotone, IL 60468-0990.