The 2006 School Survey of Gang-Related Issues

1. During the last year, did your school experience an increase or decrease in the number of its security staff such as School Resource Officers (SRO's)?

___Added security staff such as SRO's ___Lost security staff such as SRO's.

___Remained about the same

2. During the last year, has your school experienced an increase or decrease in student enrollment?

____Enrollment increased ___Enrollment decreased ___Remained about the same

3. Does your school prohibit the wearing of gang symbols on the clothing that students wear to school? ___Yes ___No

4. In your opinion, are students safer with a policy that requires them to wear a uniform mode of dress to school? ____Yes ___No

5. In your opinion, do you believe that a policy requiring students to wear uniforms can reduce gang activities in the school setting? ___Yes ___No

6. Does your school have a written policy that prohibits gang activity on campus? ___Yes ___No

(If yes, will you please mail us a copy of it attached to this survey response. Thank you in advance for this help.)

7. Are there any abandoned buildings located nearby the location of your school's campus?

___Yes ___No

8. Does your school have a written policy that prohibits bullying behavior? ___Yes ___No

(If yes, will you please mail us a copy of it attached to this survey response. Thank you in advance for this help.)

9. Does your school have a written policy that prohibits race/ethnic/religious "hate group" activity? ___Yes ___No

(If yes, will you please mail us a copy of it attached to this survey response. Thank you in advance for this help.)

10. During the last year, have there been any gang shootings nearby the geographical location of your school? ___Yes ___No

11. During the last year, have there been any drug shootings nearby the geographical location of your school? ___Yes ___No

12. What is the total number of students officially enrolled at your school?_______Students

13. Does your school have a part-time or full-time School Resource Officer (SRO)?

___Part-time ___Full-time ____No SRO

14. Do the teachers or staff members in your school receive any mandatory training on or about gang issues?

___Yes ___No

15. Do you think more staff training is needed on gang issues for your school? ___ Yes ___No

(if yes, what topics do you think need to be emphasized:_____________________________


16. Has your school seen the pattern where a bully picks on a victim because of his/her race?

____Yes ___No

17. In your opinion, do you think that some bullying behavior is related to racial or ethnic conflicts? ____Yes ___No

18. Has your school seen the pattern where a bully picks on a victim because the intended victim is gay or lesbian? ___Yes ___No

19. From your experience, where does most of the bullying behavior actually occur:

____In the Classroom ____Outside of the classroom ____Both

20. Does your school conduct "locker searches" at some point during the school year?

___Yes ___No

21. Does your school make use of drug sniffing dogs to conduct drug searches? ___Yes ___No

22. Does your school require all students to pass through a metal detector when they seek to enter the school building? ___Yes ___No

23. Does your school scan the Drivers License of visitors to your school building to see if they are sex offenders? ___Yes ___No

24. Were there any gang fights between rival gang members in and around your school during the last one year period? ___Yes ___No

25. Were there any complaints of gang recruiting going on in and around your school during the last one year period? ___Yes ___No

26. Were there any students arrested for drug sales or drug use at your school during the last one year period? ___Yes ___No

27. In your opinion, do you think your school needs more "bully prevention" program services?

___Yes ___No

28. In your opinion, would it be good public policy to implement a gang prevention program in your jurisdiction? ___Yes ___No

29. Do you feel gang training should be required for certain types of school administrators? ___Yes ___No

30. In your opinion, do school uniforms eliminate a lot of the problems associated with gang colors and gang symbols? ___YES ___NO

31. In your opinion is the DARE program an effective program for preventing drug abuse among students? ___Yes ___No

32. What percentage of the students at your school do you feel are regularly using illegal drugs? ____%

32. If you had to estimate, how many of the students at your school do you feel are active gang members? _____Active gang members

33. What percentage of the students at your school do you feel are in a social network consisting of one or more persons who regularly use illegal drugs? ___%

34. If you had to estimate, how many of the students at your school do you feel are associating with gang members? ____Associating with gang members

35. Are there periodically any gang conflicts between students in your school? ___Yes ___No


36. In the area surrounding your school location, is it possible to find examples of "gang graffiti" in the neighborhood (e.g., where a gang marks its turf or puts down another gang)?

___Yes ___No

37. Are there any colors or symbols that are commonly "represented" at your school that probably have a secondary meaning with regard specifically to the gang that uses such colors and symbols? ___Yes ___No

38. How many teachers or staff members of your school were assaulted by students during the last one year (12 month) period? ____ teachers or staff members

39. What are the names of the largest three (3) gangs that are represented among the students in your school?




40. What are the names of the largest three gangs that operate in and around the location of your school address?




41. Are there any all female gangs that operate in and around the location of your school address?

___Yes ___No

42. Does your school enforce specific types of "grooming" codes for hair, make-up, etc? ___yes ___No (if yes, please provide a copy of this policy )

43. Does your school prohibit gang and hate group slogans on clothing and apparel (shirts, belts, shoes, socks, etc)? ___yes ___No

44. How many teachers are employed in your school?_________teachers

45. Estimate how many of the teachers employed in your school have been trained in gang awareness. ______teachers

46. Estimate how many teachers employed in your school have been trained in gang identification. _____Teachers

47. Estimate how many teachers employed in your school have been trained in dealing with hate group issues. ______Teachers

48. Does your school currently have any type of gang prevention program? ___Yes ___No

If yes, what is it called:_______________________________(e.g., GRIP, GREAT, etc).

49. Does your school currently have any type of drug prevention program? ___Yes ___No

If yes, what is it: ________________________(e.g., DARE, etc, the name of the program)

50. Which of the following types of symbols would not be allowed at your school if a student had these symbols on an item of clothing (shirt, hat, etc). Please put a large "X" through any and all of the symbols that would NOT be allowed at your school.

51. Which of the following types of symbols would not be allowed at your school if a student had these symbols on an item of clothing (shirt, hat, etc). Please put a large "X" through any and all of the symbols that would NOT be allowed at your school.

52. Which of the following "phrases" would not be a violation of the current dress code at your school if these messages appeared on an item of clothing (shirt, hat, etc). Please CHECK all that would NOT be allowed at your school.

___1. "14 words - 88"

___2. "1-3-22-12"

___3. "Free Larry Hoover"

___4. "Level 74 Clothing"

___5. "Boulders for your Shoulders"

53. Are there any groups of skinheads or others who espouse a white racist philosophy that operate in and around the location of your school address? ___Yes ___No

54. Have there been any arrests for possession, distribution, or sales of methamphetamines among the students in your school during the last year? ___Yes ___No

55. Do you predict the methamphetamine problem for your students will grow, decrease, or remain the same in 2006?

____Expect a growing problem with illegal methamphetamine drugs in 2006

____ Expect a decreasing problem with illegal methamphetamine drugs in 2006

____Problem will not change or will remain the same

56. Were there any "gang disturbances" or fights involving gang members inside your school during the last year? ___Yes ___No

57. Do you believe that some politicians or officials in your jurisdiction want public school personnel to "downplay" or even deny the gang problem?

___Yes ___No

58. Have there been any reports of occult-type activities among students in your school during the last year (e.g., dabbling in satanism, witchcraft, odinism, etc).

___Yes ___No

59. Do you believe parents should be held financially responsible for the crimes committed by their children who are juveniles? ___Yes ___No

60. In terms of public expenditures, please estimate the per capita cost per pupil in your school during the last year.

$______________dollars per pupil per year

61. Have you noticed an increase or decrease in gang graffiti during the last year?

___increased in 2005 ___decreased in 2005 ___no change in 2005 ___no gang graffiti during 2004-2005

62. What kind of "Report Card" grade would you give your city government officials for addressing the gang problem during 2005?

___A ___B ___C ___D ___F


63. What "Report Card" grade would you give elected federal government officials for addressing the gang problem during 2005? ___A ___B ___C ___D ___F

64. A zero-tolerance policy is the best approach for controlling the outbreak or spread of the gang problem.

___Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Uncertain ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree

65. Are females also involved in the gangs that operate in or around your school jurisdiction?

___Yes ___No

66. If yes, please estimate what percentage of the total gang member population in your area are females: ____% are females

67. If gang wannabe's start in a school, the best thing to do is to ignore them (don't do anything about it), as the problem might go away on its own.

___Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Uncertain ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree

68. To what extent do elected officials in your school district deny the gang problem? (Check one rating, higher the number, higher the denial, lower the number, the lower the level of denial).

No denial ___0 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5 ___6 ___7 ___8 ___9 ___10 High Denial

69. During the last year, do you think your school became safer, less safer, or about the same?

___During the last year my school became safer

___During the last year my school became less safer and more dangerous

___During the last year my school's level of safety/danger did not change

70. Do you expect an increase or decrease in gang-related problems in the next year?

____Increase in gang-related problems

____Decrease in gang-related problems

____No change or will remain the same

71. Please estimate the percentage of disciplinary problems at your school during 2005 that were caused by gang members or gang associates. ____%

72. Please estimate the percentage of disciplinary problems at your school during 2005 that were caused by persons with racist extremist group affiliations (neo-nazi, skinheads, etc). ____%

73. During 2005, did you receive any reports or periodicals from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) about topics such as gangs, gang prevention, etc? ___Yes ___No

74. If yes, please rate the level of satisfaction you had with these materials:

Not Satisfied ___0 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5 ___6 ___7 ___8 ___9 ___10 Very Satisfied

75. Please estimate the average daily attendance (ADA) for students attending your school during the most recent year?


76. Do you feel that if less attention was given to gangs on television, in newspapers, and in movies, video games, etc, that fewer people would join a gang? ___Yes ___No

77. If they could be offered at your school, would you like to see faith-based gang prevention services integrated into the K-12 curriculum? ___Yes ___No

78. Do you feel some level of "gang awareness training" should be required for K-12 public school teachers? ___Yes ___No

79. During the last year (2005-2006) did your school experience an increase or decrease in security related problems (gangs, drugs, fights, etc)?

____Problem increased during last year ___Problem decreased during last year ___remained same

80. Please estimate, what percentage of the security problems in your school last year were caused by or involved gang members or gang associates? ____%

81. Please estimate, what percentage of the threats of violence in your school last year were caused by or involved gang members or gang associates? ____%

81A. Hypothetically, if one of your students is expelled and banned from a local area mall (assume for disruptive conduct, etc), does this information get formally transmitted to your school guidance counselor or other school official in a routine fashion and on a timely basis? ___yes ___no

81B. Our school has no formalized liaison policies and procedures for receiving information on student conduct at malls in the area from security staff who may work there. ___Yes ___No

(82) Are there any movies, videos, or types of music that are prohibited or banned at your school?

___Yes ___No

If yes, describe briefly:______________________________________________________

83. Based on current trends, what is your expectation for next year, in the school year 2006-2007 will your school experience an increase or decrease in security-related problems (gangs, drugs, fights, etc):

___Increased security related problems ___Decreased security related problems

___Security problems will remain about the same

84. What is the zip code for your school's address:_________________

85. What state are you located in?______________________________

86. What is the name of your city, township, village, or jurisdiction in which your school is located? ___________________________________________________________

87. What is the type of your school:

____elementary school ____middle school ____high school

___other (Please describe:_________________________________)

(EXAMPLE: combined middle and high school 7-12)

(EXAMPLE: lower elementary K-3)

88. Do you want a full copy of the preliminary research report that will be available in a couple months sent to you at no charge by the National Gang Crime Research Center? ___Yes ___No

(If YES, print below who and where we should send the report. Or attach, tape, enclose, a business card which has the full mailing address information including zip code).

You can remain totally anonymous if you would like to: just leave blank any question you feel would be identifying.

When you are finished please mail back the survey on or before May 31st, 2006 to:

The 2006 K-12 School Survey Project

National Gang Crime Research Center

Post Office Box 990

Peotone, IL 60468-0990